The Organization Us
Columns and Position Statements |
Recent News Commentaries and Positions
Order from the University of Sankore Press
Kawaida and Questions of Life and Struggle:
African American, Pan-African and Global Issues
Maulana Karenga
(Contains position statements from 2005-2006 in one volume.)
Introduction to
Black Studies
4th Edition, 2010
Maulana Karenga
from Sankore Press--

Essays on Struggle:
Position and Analysis
New on Kwanzaa
from Sankore Press
The Message and Meaning of Kwanzaa:
Bringing Good Into the World
Maulana Karenga

| March |
Lifting Up Louise Little, Mother of Malcolm X: A Mother-Son Message of Resistance to the World | PART 2 (03-13-25)
Lifting Up Louise Little, Mother of Malcolm X: A Mother-Son Message of Resistance to the World | PART 1 (03-06-25)
| February |
Remembering and Honoring Haji Malcolm's Martyrdom: A Model and Mirror of Service, Sacrifice and Struggle (02-27-25)
Remembering History, Memphis, LA and Us: The Dignity and Demands of Work and Workers (02-20-25)
Lucile Clifton: Whole and Holy in the Season of Herself (02-13-25)
In Critical Conversations with Nanas Martin and Malcolm: Mapping Our Way Forward in Treacherous Times PART 2 (02-06-25)
| January |
In Critical Conversation with Nanas Martin and Malcolm: Mapping Our Way Forward in Treacherous Times Part 1 (01-30-25)
Haiti and the Unfinal Fact of Freedom: Its Ongoing Struggle for Life and Liberation PART 2 (01-23-25)
Haiti and the Unfinal Fact of Freedom: Its Ongoing Struggle for Life and Liberation PART 1 (01-16-25)
Reclaiming King, Ourselves and Our History: Intensifying Our Righteous and Relentless Struggle (01-09-25)
More New Year Wishes and Work: Pursuing and Practicing Peace (01-02-25)
| December |
ANNUAL FOUNDER'S KWANZAA MESSAGE Celebrating Kwanzaa in Difficult and Demanding Times: Lifting up the Light that Lasts (12-26-24)
The World Encompassing Embrace of Kwanzaa: Principles and Practices of Lived Pan-Africanism (12-19-24)
Concerning Kwanzaa, Race and Religion: Particular, Universal and Common Ground (12-12-24)
Symbols and Insights of Kwanzaa: Deep Meanings and Expansive Message (12-05-24)
| November |
Dialoguing with Nanas Thurman, Brooks and Burroughs: Reflections on Meanings of Resistance and Resilience PART II (11-28-24)
Dialoguing with Nanas Thurman, Brooks and Burroughs: Reflections on Meanings of Resistance and Resilience PART I (11-21-24)
Daring to Hope and Struggle Beyond Elections: A Radical and Irreversible Refusal to be Defeated (11-14-24)
Regardless: Continue the Struggle, Keep the Faith and Hold the Line (11-07-24)
| October |
Considering Best Post Election Conditions: Concerns For Our People, Struggle and World (10-31-24)
Haji Malcolm, Palestine and the Meaning of Martyrs: Defiant of Death, Unalterably Dedicated to Life (10-24-24)
The Million Man March and Day of Absence: Radical Solidarity in Life, Love and Struggle (10-17-24)
Recentering the Million Man March: Remembering the Promise of Operational Unity (10-10-24)
Remembering and Recounting Seasons of Righteous Struggle: Reflections on the Moral Call to Resist (10-03-24)
| September |
The Meaning and Moral Imperative of Struggle:
Grounding Ourselves in Justice and Resistance (09-26-24)
Concerning Whites' Current and Historical Hating on Haiti:
A Critique of Oppression and Struggle (09-19-24)
Honoring Us' 236 Seasons of Struggle:: Notes on Revolution From a 1960s Lecture (09-12-24)
Kamala, Palestine and Nana Fannie Lou Hamer:
Questioning, Confronting and Achieving This Country (09-05-24)
| August |
Nana Marcus Garvey's Liberating and Uplifting Message: A Covenant and Call to Continuous Struggle (08-29-24)
August the Election and Our Larger Struggle:
Reaffirming Our Ethical and Political Imperatives (08-22-24)
Kamala and Our Pursuit of Joy and Justice:
Building Relations of Reciprocity and Resistance (08-15-24)
Calling the Question on Kamala's Identity:
Communal and Moral Meanings of Being Black (08-08-24)
James Baldwin in Critical Conversation with Kamala and Us: Striving to Achieve Our Country and Change the World(08-01-24)
| July |
Kamala Harris, High Hopes and Hard Choices:
Words to the Wise, Woke and Wondering (07-25-24)
The Liberation Psychology of Nana Frantz Fanon:
Struggle as Normative and Necessary (07-18-24)
Patrice Lumumba Answering the Invitation of History: Leadership for Liberation and a Mission of Martyrdom (07-11-24)
Havoc in the House, Douglass at the Door:
July 4th, November 5th and Unavoidable Struggle (07-04-24)
| June |
Sharing Joys of June With Limbiko:
Building Bridges of Memory That Sustain Us (06-27-24)
The Music and Magic of Blackness:
The Centering and Sustaining Beauty of Soul (06-20-24)
Rightfully Remembering Our Enslavement and Freedom:
June Late News vs. Relentless Struggle (06-13-24)
Reclaiming Ourselves and Our Radical Roots:
Engaging Freedom as Never A Final Fact (06-06-24
| May |
African Liberation, South Africa, Palestine and Us:
Some Notes on Radically Reordering the World (05-30-24)
Columbia, Morehouse and the Morality of Resistance:
Continuing Struggle, Keeping Faith and Holding the Line (05-23-24)
Haji Malcolm and the Meaning of Manhood:
Some Essential Moral and Social Conceptions (05-16-24)
Haji Malcolm's Grounding and Growth in Garveyism:
Loving, Uplifting and Liberating Our People (05-09-24)
Discerning Haji Malcolm's Moral Self-Definition:
Uplifting Essential Attributes, Principles and Practices (05-02-24)
| April |
The Ethical Imperative of Serudj Ta:
To Repair, Renew and Remake the world (04-25-24)
Again, Honoring August Wilson:
Holding Hallowed Cultural Ground (04-18-24)
Cesaire, Colonialism and the Genocidal War in Palestine:
Concerning Israel, the US, Europe and Hitlerian Havoc (04-11-24)
Remembering Paul Robeson in Righteous Resistance:
Freedom Fighting for Haiti, Palestine and Ourselves (04-04-24)
| March |
Haji Malcolm, Resurrection, Resistance and Self-Raising:
Ancient African Insights and Modern Meanings (03-28-24)
Sustainers and Shapers of the World:
A Classical African Conception of Womanhood (03-21-24)
Black People in the Age of Artificial Intelligence:
Resisting the Progressive Artificiality of Human Life (03-14-24)
Lifting and Holding Up Heaven:
Women's and Men's Work in the World (03-07-24)
| February |
Forging Our Future With Our Past:
Reclaiming Our History and Humanity In Struggle (02-29-24)
Meanings, Mapping and Making History:
The Significance and Centrality of Struggle (02-22-24)
Musing on History with Haji Malcolm:
The Foundational Field of Critical Study (02-15-24)
Sankofa, To Know Our Past and Honor It:
A Window and Way to Our Future (02-08-24)
Practicing Art as Centering, Freedom and Resistance:
Retrieving Some Essentials of a Black Aesthetic (02-01-24)
| January |
Being Steadfast and Strong in Life and Struggle:
Reflecting the Foundation, Modelling the Mountain (01-25-24)
Supporting South Africa's Holding Israel Accountable:
Rightfully Resisting Acts and Justifications of Genocide (01-18-24)
Haiti at the Center of Our Moral Concern:
Ending the Suffering, Achieving Genuine Self-Determination (01-11-24)
Living A Life of Love and Struggle:
Keeping the Faith and Holding the Line (01-04-24)
| December |
Recalling Kwanzaa with Nana Limbiko Tembo:
Remembering Our Warm and Wonderful Decembers (12-28-23)
Annual Founder's Kwanzaa Message
Kwanzaa, Freedom, Justice and Peace:
Principles and Practices For A New World (12-21-23)
Righteous Reflection On Being African:
A Kwanzaa Medication (12-14-23)
Gaza, Guernica, Picasso and Paul Robeson:
Resisting Receptivity to the Ordinariness of Evil (12-07-23)
| November |
Gift-Giving and Sharing Good During Kwanzaa:
Lessons For Life As Well As Celebration (11-30-23)
Dialoguing About Freedom, Justice and Peace:
Black People, Palestinians, Israelis and Jews (11-23-23)
Rethinking Thanksgiving: Beyond Big Turkeys and Small Talk (11-16-23)
The Moral Savagery of Israel's 'Self-defense':
Racism, Neo-Colonialism and Collective Capital Punishment (11-09-23)
Black People, Besieged Palestine and Rampaging Israel:
Rightfuly Resisting the Radical Evil of Genocide (11-02-23)
| October |
America's and Israel's Unfolding Genocide in Palestine:
Complicity, Human Costs, King, Malcolm and Moral Considerations (10-26-23)
Consulting King Concerning Israel's Total War Agsainst Palestine:
Palestinians Within the Field of Our Moral Vision (10-19-23)
Barbara Lee, Laphonza Butler and Us:
The Nettlesome Problems Newsom Has Posed (10-12-23)
Modeling and Mirroring Nana Fannie Lou Hamer:
Questioning America, Walking Off the Plantation (10-05-23)
| September |
Us in the Interest of Our People:
Centering the Many Seasons of Our Struggle (09-28-23)
The Ethics and Issues of Black Power:
Achieving Self-Determination, Self-Respect and Self-Defense (09-21-23)
Radically Being Ourselves and Freeing Ourselves:
A Kawaida Conception of Revoluitonary Struggle (09-14-21)
Us, Continuing Labors of Love and Righteous Struggle:
Marking Periods of Fierce Passage and Fundamental Turning (09-07-23)
| August |
Remembering Our Massive Marches in Washington:
Memory, Tradition, Demands and the Unfinished Struggle (08-31-23)
Practicing Pan-Africanism with Nana Marcus Garvey:
The Retrieval, Redemption and Liberation of Global Africa (08-24-23)
Solidarity, Resistance and Messages from Montgomery:
Some Signs and Sense of Things Possible Together (08-17-23)
Haiti, Africa and Us Against Empire:
Resisting Africans Anywhere Serving As Proxies for Imperialism (08-10-23)
Recalling Our Kawaida Maatian Master Class:
Careful Thought About Things That Matter (08-03-23)
| July |
DeSantis Hustling Our History AS A Hoax:
Our Rightful Responsibility to Remember and Resist (07-27-23)
Bearing Witness to the Wonder of Nana JoAnn Watson:
Waking Up Detroit, Us and the World (07-20-23)
Frantz Fanon, Liberation and the Cultural Revolution:
Bringing Into Being A New People and A New World (07-13-23)
Racial Justice, Reparations and Affirmative Action:
Resisting Supreme Court Racist Fantasies and Fiats (07-06-23)
| June |
Frederick Douglass, July 4th and Us:
Freedom, False Claims, Bad Faith and Unavoidable Struggle (06-29-23)
Black Art, Black People and Black Liberation:
Reaffirming the Critical Role of Black Artists (06-22-23)
Celebrating, Singing and Safeguarding Juneteenth:
The Festival and the Unfinished Fight for Freedom (06-15-23)
Resisting and Avoiding the Artificiality of Life:
Cultivating and Valuing the Truly Human Person (06-08-23)
Justice, George Floyd and Continuing Struggle:
The Moral Imperative of Remembrance and Resistance (06-01-23)
| May |
Achieving African Liberation:
Nana Garvey's Radical Redemption and Unfettered Freedom (05-25-23
Haji Malcolm and Cultivating Critical Consciousness:
Reaffirming the Radical Awareness of Being Woke (05-18-23)
White Public Safety as Sacrifice of Black Lives:
Publicly Judging and Killing Jordan Neely (05-11-23
Being Belafonte On the Battlefront:
Summoing Radical Thinking and the Rebellious Heart (05-04-23)
| April |
Saving Our Earth:
Relate Rightly, Act Justly and Walk Gently in the World (04-27-23)
Remembering and Raising Up Nana Randall Robinson:
Honoring His Legacy By Continuing It (04-20-23)
The Critical Testing Ground of Tennessee:
Resisting Racial Protocol and Plantation Politics (04-13-23)
Mark Ridley-Thomas and Political Prosecution:
The Predatory Practice of Racialized Law (04-06-23)
| March |
Resisting the DeAfricanizing of Ancient Egypt:
Pursuing Its Paradigms of Excellence and Achievement (03-30-23)
Reasoning 'Bout Reparations and Resistance:
Inseparable Radical Remedies for Oppression (03-23-23
The Mind and Heart of Harriet Tubman:
A Hearing Heart and An Amazing Mind | PART 2 (03-16-23
The Mind and Heart of Harriet Tubman:
A Hearing Heart and An Amazing Mind | PART 1 (03-09-23)
Black Women's History:
Celebrating Miracles, Wonders and Struggle (03-02-23)
| February |
Resisting the Madness Engulfing America:
Defying the Outlawing of Learning and Being Black (02-23-23)
Walking with Nana Woodson in History:
Seeking Truth, Justice and Transformation (02-16-23)
The Sacred Agency of Our People:
Righteous Resistance, Repairing and Remaking the World (02-09-23)
Rightfully Remembering and Resisting for Tyre Nichols:
Countering the Mentality and Mayhem of Americanism (02-02-23)
| January |
New Year Wishes and Work:
Pursuing the Practicing Peace (01-26-23)
Centering King in the Context of Community:
Considering the People Who Produced Him (01-19-23)
The Ethics and Essentiality of Struggle:
Ancestral Insights From Our Ancient Sacred Texts (01-12-23)
Nevertheless, Still Bloom Blackly in the Whirlwind:
New Year Resolutions, Reaffirmation and Continuing Resistance (01-05-23)
| December |
Annual Founder's Kwanzaa Message
Kwanzaa, Culture and the Practice of Freedom:
A Message and Model for Our Times (12-22-22)
Symbols and Insights of Kwanzaa:
Deep Meanings and Expansive Message (12-15-22)
The Gift and Giving of Nana Limbiko:
Sharing Kwanaa Memories and Other Good (12-08-22)
Reaffirmining the Essential Mssage of Kwanzaa:
Placing the Nguzo Saba at the Center (12-01-22)
| November |
Rethinking Thanksgiving:
Beyond Big Turkeys and Small Talk (11-24-22)
Democratic Blue and Peoplehood Black:
Necessary Distinctions Between People and Party (11-17-22)
Musing on the Varied Meanings of the Midterms:
Considering the Course of Our Continuing Struggle (11-10-22)
Voting and Struggling to Remake America:
Improving the Conditions and Capacities for Life (11-03-22)
| October |
Confronting the Shifting Color of Racism:
Resisting the Tyranny of Another Majority (10-20-22)
In Remembrance, Celebration and Pan-African Solidarity:
Marking October Black History Month in England (10-13-22)
The Urgency and Rightfulness of Reparations:
Cash Money, Its Immediate and Larger Meaning (10-06-22)
| September |
Simb Wachanga and the Constant Soldier:
Lessons from Young and Ageless Lions (09-29-22)
The Righteous Royal Women of Us:
No Hereditary King or Queen Among Them (09-22-22)
The Seven-Fold Path of Blackness:
Color, Culture and Self-Conscious Practice (09-15-22)
Out of the Fires of August:
Then, the Exacting Seasons of Constant Struggle: (09-08-22)
Us Still Steadfast in the Struggle:
228 Seasons of Righteous Resistance (09-01-22)
| August |
Tambiko for Three Simba/Saidi of Us:
Lions of August and All-Seasons Soldiers (08-25-22)
Revolution and Continuing Resistance in Hayti:
A Radical Refusal to be Defeated (08-18-22)
Again, A Message From Watts:
Liberation is Coming From A Black Thing (08-11-22)
Welcoming August, Honoring Our Ancestors:
Continuing, Intensifying and Expanding the Struggle (08-04-22)
| July |
The Legacies of Nana Mary M. Bethune:
Knowledge, Sacrifice, Service and Struggle (07-28-22)
Swahili, Pan-Africanism and the Practice of Freedom:
A Language of Liberation, Community and Culture | Part 2 (07-21-22)
Swahili, Pan-Africanism and the Practice of Freedom:
A Language of Liberation, Community and Culture |Part 1 (07-14-22)
Keeping the Faith with Nana Fanon:
Reaffirming the Cultural Revolution (07-07-22)
| June |
Nana Patrice Lumumba's Legacy:
Living and Dying in Liberating Resistance (06-30-22)
The Music and Magic of Blackness:
The Centering and Sustaining Beauty of Soul (6-24-22)
The Caring Presence and Practice of Fatherhood:
A Compelling Call and Continuing Need (6-16-22)
Grounding and Centering Ourselves:
Chosen to Bring Good in the World (06-09-22)
America in Crisis Between Massacres and Myths:
Seeking A Moral Compass and Commitment to Change (06-02-22)
| May |
African Liberation Day and the Nguzo Saba:
Principles and Practices for Liberating Struggle (05-26-22)
Haji Malcolm and the Buffalo Battlefield:
Aid for Ukraine and War on Us (05-19-22)
In Rightful Remembrance of Min. Malcolm:
Valuing our Lives, Work and Struggle (05-12-22)
Haji Malcolm on Reflective Consciouss:
Reasoning Radically and Rightly In Our Times (05-05-22)
| April |
Righteously Remembering Haji Malcolm:
Recoming and Being Ourselves (04-28-22)
Conversations with Dr. George W. Carver:
The Languages and Lessons of Nature (04-21-22)
Resurrection and Righteous Resistance:
Towards a New Society, a New Earth and a New Us (04-14-22)
The Liberating Mission of Dr Martin L. King:
Living a Legacy of Sercie, Struggle and Sacrifice (04-07-22) Part 2
| March |
The Liberating Mission of Dr Martin L. King:
Living a Legacy of Service, Struggle and Sacrifice (03-31-22) Part 1
Ida B. Wells and Kawaida Womanism:
Considering the Mission and Meaning of Woman (03-24-22) Part 2
Ida B. Wells and Kawaida Womanism:
Considering the Mission and Meaning of Woman (03-17-22) Part 1
Lifting and Holding Up Heaven:
Women's and Men's Work in the World (03-10-22)
The Oshun Question and Quest:
Uplifting Women, Ourselves and the World (03-03-22)
| February |
Uplifting the Legacy of Hon. Marcus Garvey:
The Global Struggle for His Exoneration
Haji Malcolm's Awesome Sacrifice:
The Meaning and Morality of His Martyrdom (02-17-21)
Malcolm X, History and Struggle:
Grounding, Insight and Action (02-10-22)
Black Health, Wellness and Struggle:
Towards A Racial Racial Healing (02-03-22)
| January |
The Ethical Imperative of Serudj Ta:
To Repair, Renew and Remaking the World (01-27-22)
Reclaiming King, Ourselves and Our History:
Intensifying Our Righteous and Relentless Struggle (01-20-22)
Rereading King in Critical Times:
Mapping and Making Our Way Forward (01-13-22)
The Joy and Justice of Archbishop Tutu:
In Remembrance, Reflection and Honor (01-06-22)
Righteous Reflection On Being African:
A Kwanzaa Meditation (12-30-21)
2021 Annual Founder's Kwanzaa Message
"Practicing Kwanzaa and the Seven Principles:
Ensuring the Well-Being of the World (12-23-21)
Kwanzaa's Meaning in the Midst of Pandemic:
A Central Site of Reaffirmation and Resistance (12-16-21)
Conceiving and Creating Kwanzaa in Struggle:
Remembering and Reaffirming Its Liberational Origins (12-09-21)
The Ahmaud Arbery Verdict and Victory:
Notes on Its Message and Meaning (12-02-21)
Justifying Kyle Rittenhouse's Killings in Kenosha:
Lived Lessons of White American Justice (11-25-21)
Ranting and Raging Against Critical Race Theory:
An Epidemic of Racist Reaction to Truth (11-18-21)
Rethinking Reparations:
A Collective Solution, Not Separate Settlements (11-11-21)
Meditating on the Meaning of Struggle:
Valuing Our Inward and Outward Striving (11-04-21)
Manhood, Mission and the Million Man March:
Transformative Practice and Policy in Struggle (10-28-21)
Living the Legacy of Fannie Lou Hamer:
Sharing and Shaping Ourselvs in Struggle (10-21-21)
Raising the Million Man March:
Remembering and Reaffirming Its Mission (10-14-21)
Still Under the Broken Bridge of Immigration:
Framing Our Future in Struggle (10-07-21)
Talk Freedom to the People:
Framing Our Future in Struggle (09-27-21)
The Radical Emergence of Kawaida Philosophy:
A Critical Time of Turning (09-23-21)
Celebrating and Living the Nguzo Saba:
Accessing the African in Us (09-16-21)
Us Steadfast in the Storms of History:
56 Years and 224 Seasons of Struggle (09-09-21)
Resisting the Republican Recall:
No Confusing Need With Anger at Newsom (09-02-21)
Confronting COVID Recalls and General Republican Madness:
No Reliable Remedy Except Resistance (08-26-21)
Haiti and the Heavy Hand of History:
Concerning Natural and Unnatural Disasters (08-19-21)
Reclaiming the Watts Revolt:
Reaffirming the Right to Rebel (08-12-21)
August Insights - Everywhere a Battleline;
Every Day A Call to Struggle (08-05-21)
COVID and Two Ways Before Us:
Open Up, We Live; Close Down, We Die (07-29-21)
Framing Our Tasks With Fanon:
Reconsidering Critical Questions of Live (07-22-21)
The History and Future of Haiti:
Revolution, Repression, Resistance and Eventual Victory
Juxtaposing Juneteenth and July Fourth:
Emancipation, Independence adn Democracy Claims (07-08-21)
The Music and Magic of Blackness:
The Centering and sustaining Beauty of Soul (07-01-21)
Anatomy of Resurgent Racism:
Some Sources of Its Savagery (06-24-21)
Rightfully Remembering Our Enslavement and Freedom:
June Late News vs. Relentless Struggle (06-17-21)
Living A Kawaida Life:
Self-Understanding, Relatedness, Striving and Sharing Good
Telling and Taking Back Tulsa:
Resisting Erasure and Americana Appropriation (06-03-21)
Concerning Limbiko's Legacy of Good:
Kawaida Principles and Practice of Education (05-27-21)
Black and World Solidarity with Palestine:
A Rising Tide of righteous Resistance (05-20-21)
Min. Malcolm, Prosecutor for the People:
Unmasking Racism in Amierca's Claim of Innocence (05-13-21)
Timmin', Tommin' and Talkin' 'Bout Racism:
Dealing with America's Acute Denial (05-06-21)
Reading Battlefield Notes from A. Philip Randolph:
Lessons in Labor, Freedom, Justice and Struggle ( 04-29-21)
Justice for George Floyd and Us All:
The Measure and Meaning of the Verdict (04-22-21)
Paul Robeson's Moral Imperatives:
Striving to be African and Free (04-15-21)
Justice George Floyd and Unforgivable Blackness:
America on Trial as a Repeat Offender (04-08-21)
Building Dr. King's Beloved Community:
Mutual Respect, Jusitce, Service, Sacrifice and Struggle ( 04-01-21)
Women Holding Up Half of Heaven:
Sustaining the Movement and the World (03-25-21)
Fannie Lou Hamer Walking Off the Plantation:
Questioing and Transforming America (03-18-21)
Celebrating Black Womens History:
Achievements, Strengths and Struggles (03-11-21)
Reaffirming Our Africanness and Radical Tradition - 1960s: Liberation's Coming From A Black Thing ( 03-04-21) PART II
Reaffirming Our Africanness and Radical Tradition - 1960s: Liberation's Coming From A Black Thing (02-25-21) PART I
Practicing Sankofa:
Seasons of Struggle and Change (02-18-21)
Our Original Rising in Egypt:
Defining the Sacred and the Moral Life (02-11-21)
Black History and White Nights in Miami:
Malcolm's New Black Day Dawning (02-04-21)
To Unite the Nation with Justice:
Securing Medicine, Money and Means for All (01-28-21)
Living a Legacy of Our History:
Resolutions for Righteous and Relentless Struggle (01-21-21)
The Trumpian Chickens Coming Home:
Min. Malcolm, Black Victories and White Racist Rage (01-14-21)
Black People: Storm Riding, Whirlwind Blooming,
Specializing in the Wholly Impossible (01-07-21)
Heri za Kwanzaa to Limbiko:
Beautiful, Black and Radiant Spirit
Annual Founder's Kwanzaa Message
"Kwanzaa and the Well-Being of the World:
Living and Uplifting The Seven Principles" (12-24-20)
Concerning Kwanzaa, Race and Religion:
Particular, Universal and Common Ground (12-17-20)
Symbols And Insights of Kwanzaa:
Deep Meanings and Expansive Message (12-10-19)
Trump's White Magic and Carnival Mirrors: Shamless Hustling in the White House (12-03-20)
Cherishing and Challenging Kamala Harris:
Issues of Commitment and Accountability (11-26-20)
Democratic Blue and Peoplehood Black:
Necessary Distinctions Between People and Party
Being Ella Baker Even After the Election:
Valuing OUr Victory, Continuing Our Struggle (11-12-20)
Taking Tuesday in Stride:
Waking Up Wednesday Still in Struggle (11-05-20)
The Moral Meaning of Our Struggle:
Saving America From Its Trumpian Self (10-29-20)
Assessing the Million Man March:
Lessons Learned from the Mission Statement (10-22-20)
Remembering the Million Man March:
Reflections on Memory and Mission (10-15-20)
Forging Our Future With Fannie Lou Hamer:
The Urgency and Value of Voting (10-08-20)
Pursuing the Seven-Fold Path of Blackness:
Practicing Principles of Life and Struggle
(10-01-20) Part 2
Pursuing the Seven-Fold Path of Blackness:
Practicing Principles of Life and Struggle
(09-24-20) Part 1
Us' 55 Years of Unbudging Blackness:
Africa As Our Moral Ideal - Part 2 (09-17-20)
Us' 55 Years of Unbudging Blackness:
Africa As Our Moral Ideal - Part 1 (09-10-20)
Rising in Resistance with Paul Robeson:
Athletes Joining the Struggle for Racial Justice
Garvey's Whirlwind; Watts' and Ferguson's Fire:
Signs and Obligations of Our Times -PART 2 - (08-27-20)
Garvey's Whirlwind; Watts' and Ferguson's Fire:
Signs and Obligations of Our Times -PART 1 - (08-20-20)
Recognizing Aurora as America Unmasked:
No Exemption, Even For Our Children (08-13-20)
Honoring Black Resistance in August:
Pursuing Liberation thru Love and Struggle (08-06-20)
Resisting the White-Washing of Ethnic Studies:
Keeping Color in Life and Learning (07-30-20)
Lifting Up Lowery, Vivian and Lewis:
Living the Legacy, Freeing the People (07-23-20)
Achieving Justice for George Floyd:
Radically Reimagining and Rebuilding America [Part 2]
Taking Down Flags and Tearing Down Walls:
Some Seriously Needed Distinctions (07-09-20)
Questioning the Country With Frederick Douglass: Judgment, Not Joy on July 4th (07-02-20)
Righteous and Relentless Struggle:
Again, Reflections on the Principle and Practice
Maintaining the Meaning of Juneteenth:
Staying Focused on Freedom (06-18-20)
Achieving Justice for George Floyd:
Radically Reimagining and Rebuilding America [Part 1]
Reigniting Fergusons Fires of Resistance:
Reaffirming the Will and Right to Breathe (06-04-20)
Message from Minister Malcolm on ALD:
Silencing the Guns of Pandemic Oppession (05-28-20)
Larry Aubry, Lying Down Like a Hill:
Still Having Height, Always Pointing Upward (05-21-20)
Honoring Our Mothers With Our Lives:
Lessons of Love, Life and Struggle 05-14-20
Summer Will Not Save Us:
Faultlines, Battlelines, Affirmation and Resistance
Madcapping and Conning with Trump:
Feeding Americans Addiction to Illusions (04-30-20)
Seeking Victory Over Two Viruses:
COVID-19 and the Pathology of Oppression (04-23-21)
Meditating on the Meaning of Struggle:
Valuing Our Inward and Outward Striving (04-16-20)
Black People Rising and Reaffirming:
Resurrection, Repair, Renewal and
Remaking Ourselves and the World (04-09-20)
Bringing Forth the Fire Within Us:
Weathering the Worst of Winters (04-02-20)
The Ethics Of Healthcare:
Essential Kawaida Considerations (03-26-20)
Social Solidarity Inspite of Social Distancing:
Keeping Our Closeness in Critical Times (03-19-20)
Grounding and Centering Ourselves:
Chosen to Bring Good in the World (03-12-20)
Lifting and Holding Up Heaven:
Women's and Men's Work in the World (03-05-20)
Tambiko For Min. Malcolm:
His Jihad, Awesome Sacrifice and
Continuing Powerful Presence (02-27-20)
Walking With Woodson in History:
Truth, Justice and Transformation (02-20-20)
Black Love:
A Complementary and Species-Compelling Need
Black History:
Its Meaning, Message and Forward Motion (02-06-20)
History, Memory and Struggle:
The Morality of Remembrance (
New Year Wishes and Work:
Pursuing and Practicing Peace (01-23-20)
Considering King in Critical Times:
Daring To Oppose War and Practice Peace (01-16-20)
America Nodding and Nightmaring Towards War:
Bedding Down and Mad-Maxing With Trump (01-09-20)
Annual Founder's Kwanzaa Message--2019
Living Kwanzaa and the Seven Principles:
An All-Seasons Celebration and Practice of the Good
Righteous Reflection On Being African:
A Kwanzaa Meditation (12-12-19)
Symbols and Insights of Kwanzaa:
Deep Meanings and Expansive Message (12-05-19)
Rethinking Thanksgiving:
Beyond Big Turkeys and Small Talk (11-28-19)
Uplifting the Liberator, Harriet Tubman:
Unmasking the Imposter, Harriet of Hollywood
Part 1 |
Focusing on Freedom with Harriet Tubman:
Enduring Advice on Relentless Resistance (11-14-19)
Remembering Times of Revolution and Revolt:
Recapturing the Spirit, Pursuing the Practice (11-07-19)
Trump's America By Dawn's Early Light:
Notes on Lynching, Lying and Seeking Justice (10-31-19)
Righteous and Relentless Struggle:
Reflections on the Principle and Practice (10-24-19)
Essential Teachings of Messenger Muhammad:
A Careful Kawaida Reading (10-17-19)
Religionizing Racism: The Spectacle and Special Function of Black Forgiveness (10-10-19)
Homage to Fannie Lou Hamer:
Womanist, Warrior and Way-Opener (10-03-19)
Talk Freedom to the People:
Framing Our Future in Struggle (09-26-19)
Us, Culture and Struggle:
Ultimately Engaged and Achieved on the Ground
Africa, Our Moral Ideal:
Radical Reasoning About Oursevles and Our Culture
Us Reminisching at Half A Century and Four:
The Architecture of Our Work and Will (09-05-15)
Remembering the Watts Revolt: A Shared
Condition, Consciousness and Commitment (08-29-19)
Holocaust-Haiti-Ferguson and Watts:
Honoring Our People Through Struggle (08-22-19)
Undiscussed Dimensions of Mass Killings:
Transforming A Profoundly Sick Society
PART 2 (08-15-19) |
Undiscussed Dimensions of Mass Killings:
Transforming A Profoundly Sick Society
| Part 1 (08-08-19) |
Houston, We Have A Problem:
America, Spacetripping With Trump ( 08-01-19)
Embracing the Courageous Four:
Radically Reconceiving and Reconstructing America
A Kawaida Rightful Reading of History;
Culture, Consciousness and Struggle (07-18-19)
Keeping Faith with Fanon:
Reaffirming the Cultural Revollution (07-11-19)
Bethune, Democracy and July 4th:
Courageous Questioning and Constant Struggle
Resisting the Ethical Imperative of Reparations:
Seeking Artificial Refuge in Dishonest Denial (06-27-19)
Maintaining the Meaning of Juneteenth:
Staying Focused on Freedom (06-20-19)
Rightfully Linking Reparations and Liberation:
Righteously Repairing Ourselves and the World
Not Yet Uhuru, Freedom Interrupted:
African Liberation Delayed But Not Defeated (05-30-19)
Another Letter and Libation for Limbiko:
Nurturing, Living and Linking the Good (05-23-19)
Rightfully Remembering Min. Malcolm:
Valuing Our Lives, Work and Struggle (05-16-19)
Beyond the Bondage of Plantation Politics:
Crafting Our Own Presidential Platform - PART 2
Beyond the Bondage of Plantation Politics:
Crafting Our Own Presidential Politics
| Part 1
Achieving Justice for Imam Jamil:
A Battleline For All of Us (04-25-19)
Black Men and Women Rising:
Resurrection After Social Death (04-18-19)
Earth, Wind, Water and Fire:
Saving Ourselves and the World (04-11-19)
King, Memphis and the Morality of Sacrifice:
Dangerous Unselfishness and Righteous Struggle
Focusing on Freedom with Harriet Tubman:
Enduring Advice on Relentless Resistance (03-28-19)
Black Women's History:
Celebrating Mirales, Wonders and Struggle (03-21-19)
Justice, Reaffirmation and Resistance:
Advancing An African American Ethical Agenda
Remembering and Raising Dr. Julia Hare:
Her Honored Life and Unforgettable Love (03-07-19)
Concerning History, Heritage and Struggle:
Reaffirming and Renewing Our Vanguard Role (02-28-19)
Malcolm X and the Ethics of Martyrdom:
Witness, Service, Struggle and Sacrifice (02-21-19)
Remembering and Re-Reading Woodson:
Envisioning an Emancipatory Education (02-14-19)
Excising Americas Cancer of Racism:
Turning Left from the Far Right Lane (02-07-19)
Meditating on the Meaning of Struggle:
Valuing Our Inward and Outward Striving (01-31-19)
The Compelling Need and Notion of Freedom:
Retrieving Our Expansive Concept of Struggle (01-24-19)
In Remembrance and Reaffirmation of Resistance: Maintaining Continuing Commitment to Our Struggle
( 01-17-19)
Rereading King in Critical Times:
Mapping and Making Our Way Forward (01-09-19)
Righteous Reflection On Being African:
Deep Meanings and Expansive Message (12-27-18)
Annaul Founder's Kwanzaa Message
Reimagining and Remaking the World:
A Kwanzaa Commitment to an Inclusive Good (12-20-18)
Symbols and Insights of Kwanzaa:
Deep Meanings and Expansive Message (12-13-18)
Black Women, Men and HIV'AIDS:
Shared Responsibility in Love, Life and Struggle (12-06-18)
Retrieving the African Idea:
A Courageous Questioning in These Times (11-29-18)
Beyond Elections and Fictions of Fear:
Realities of Race and Righteous Struggle (11-22-18)
Sojourner For A Season:
Truth-Speaker For Live (11-15-18)
Kawaida and the Current Crisis:
A Philosophy of Life, Love and Struggle (11-08-18)Part II
Kawaida and the Current Crisis:
A Philosophy of Life, Love & Struggle (11-02-18) Part 1
Remembering the Million Man March:
Reflections on Memory and Mission (10-25-18)
Following Our Foremother Fannie Lou Hamer:
Courageously Questoining Ameirca (10-18-18)
Us at 53: Reaffirming Our Revolutionary Spirit
and Radical Imagination | (10-11-18) Part 2
Us at 53:
Reaffirming Our Revolutionary Spirit
and Radical Imagination | (10-04-18) Part 1
Choosing to Be African:
Struggling and Striving Ever Upward (09-27-18)
Fulfilling Our Mission:
Leaving A Leagcy of Struggle (09-20-18)
Recovering Insight From the Quotable Karenga: Vanguarding with Vincent Harding (09-13-18)
Us, The Movement, Memory:
In the Winds and Scales of History (09-06-18)
Righteous and Relentless Struggle: Reflections on the Principle and Practice (08-30-18)
Living and Singing Soul with Aretha:
Respecting Our Awesome and Soulful Selves ( 08-23-18)
Message From Watts:
Liberation is Coming from a Black Thing (08-16-18)
Holding Ground and Moving Forward:
In Righteous and Relentless Struggle [Part 2] (08-09-18)
Gleaning Marcus Garveys Lessons in Struggle: Questioning, Organizing and Liberating Ourtlines (08-02-18)
Holding Ground and Moving Forward:
In Righteous and Relentless Struggle [PART 1] (07-26-18)
Righteous Resistance: Upholding the Good,
Uplifting the People, Upturning the World (07-19-18)
Civility No Solution to Oppression:
Only Relentless Resistance Will End It (07-12-18)
Bethune, Democracy and July 4th:
Courageous Questioning and Constant Struggle (07-05-18)
Beyond Selective Morality and Mourning: Radically Confronting Evil and Injustice Everywhere (06-28-18)
For Limbiko: Love and Memory in Times of Turmoil
and Tension (06-21-18)
Foundations for Black Fatherhood:
Principles and Righteous Practice (06-14-18)
Living in a Land of Illlusions:
Reaffirming Reality in Righteous Resistance (06-07-18)
Marcus Garvey and African Liberation:
A New Light Dawning (05-31-18)
African Liberation Day:
Everywhere A Battleline,
Every Day A Call to Struggle (05-24-18)
The Liberation Ethics of Malcolm X:
Some Preliminary and Necessary Notes (05-17-18)
Rightfully Remembering Malcolm and Martin:
Living Lives of Service and Sacrifice | Part 2 ( 05-10-18)
Rightfully Remembering Malcolm and Martin:
Living Lives of Service and Sacrifice PART 1 (05-03-18)
Thinkin 'Bout Things That Matter:
Life, Love, Truth, Justice and Struggle (04-26-18)
Winne Mandela, Mother of the Nation:
Freedom Fighter of Fire and Water (4-19-18)
Resurrection and Righteous Renewal:
Insights from Kemet, Garvey and Muhammad (04-12-18)
King, Memphis and the Morality of Sacrifice:
Dangerous Unselfishness and Righteous Struggle
Black Man and Woman Rising and Raising:
Living Our Lives in Love and Struggle (03-29-18)
Ida B. Wells:
Troubling and Transforming the Waters (03-22-18)
Hearing Thunder with Harriet Tubman:
Reaping the Harvests of History (03-15-18)
Wishing for Wakanda, Marooned in America:
Movies and Matters of Reflection and Resistance
Celebrating Black Women's History:
Achievements, Strengths and Struggles (03-01-18)
Black People in War and Struggle:
The Mirror and Message of Malcolm X (02-22-18)
Practicing Sankofa:
Seasons of Struggle and Change (02-15-17)
Dialoging With DuBois on History:
Preserving Memory, Maintaining Culture (02-08-18)
Still on the Battlefield with Boukman:
Remembrance, Religion, Resistance and Revolution (02-01-18)
The Four Good Deeds of Ra:
Maatian Moral Notions of Human Rights (01-25-18)
Trump's Mind, Mouth and Fecal Matters:
Racism's Red Meat and Raw Sewage (01-18-18)
Living a Legacy of Our History:
Resolutions for Righteous and Relentless Struggle ( 01-11-18)
New Year Wishes and Work:
Pursuing and Practicing Peace (01-04-18)
Annual Founders Kwanzaa Message --- 2017
Practicing the Principles of Kwanzaa:
Repairing, Renewing and Remaking Our World
Part 2 -- (12-28-17)
Practicing the Principles of Kwanzaa:
Repairing, Renewing and Remaking Our World
Part 1 -- (12-21-17)
Symbols And Insights of Kwanzaa: Deep Meaning and Expansive Message (12-14-17)
A Covenant With Ourselves:
Choosing Life, Rejecting Death (12-07-17)
Intensifying the Struggle in Turbulent Times:
Resisting FBI's New Racial Identity Trageting (11-30-17)
Rethinking Thanksgiving:
Beyond Big Turkeys and Small Talk (11-23-17)
Becoming Our Black Selves Again:
Righteously Being and Freeing Ourselves (11-16-17)
Rethinking Gentrification and Racial Justice:
Resisting the Return of the Plantation (11-09-17)
Fannie Lou Hamer and Righteous Resistance:
Courageous Questioniing in
Thought and Practice
Remaking History With Mrs. Hamer:
Questions and Empowering Our People (10-19-17)
Fannie Lou Hamer Walking Off the Plantation:
Questioning and Transforming America (10-12-17)
Following Our Foremother Fannie Lou Hamer: Courageously Questioning America (10-5-17)
Patriotism, Flags and Playing Fields:
Unhinging Trump and Unsettling America (09-28-17)
Continuing to Move Defiantly Forward:
Righteously Resisting the Bckward Thrust (09-21-17)
Overturning Ourselves:
Turning Weakness Into
Strength and
Greater Struggle (09-14--17)
Holding Ground in the Hurricane:
Remembrance, Reaffirmation& Righteous Struggle
Evil and Ugliness of Racism:
Violence, Disadvance and Struggle
Garvey in the Whirlwind:
The Lesson and Legacy of Struggle
Trump's Nuclear Bullying and Racial Babbling:
Resisting the Radical Evil Surrounding Us ( 08-17-17)
Message From Watts:
Liberation is Coming from a Black Thing (08-10-17)
Revolt Resistance and Black Power: || Part 3 |
Lesons From 50 Years of Righteous Struggle (08-03-17)
Keeping Faith With Fanon:
Reaffirming the Cultural Revolution (07-27-17)
Revolt, Resistance and Black Power || Part 2 |:
Lessons From 50 Years of Righteous Struggle (07-20-17)
Revolt Resistance and Black Power || Part 1 |:
Lessons from 50 Years of Righteous Struggle (07-13-17)
No Sanctuary in the City: | Part 2 |
Resisting Repression in Warzone America (07-06-17)
No Sanctury in the City [Part 1]:
Resisting Repression in Warzone America (06-29-17)
Lifting Up Limbiko's Kawaida EducationL Philosophy:
Teaching As A Moral Vocation
( 06-22-17)
Waging War on the World:
Hypocritically Shocked and Awed By Its Consequences (06-15-17)
Remembering and Reflecting on Kwame Ture:
Pan-Africanism, Revolution and
Cultural Grounding (06-08-17)
Stepping into the World:
Grasping for the Good for All (06-1-17)
African Liberation Day:
Liberation Is Coming From A Black Thing ( 05-25-17)
Living Malcolm's Liberation Ethics:
Remembering, Rising, Raising and Resisting (05-18-17)
Trump's and America's Pre-Existing Conditions:
Ensured Resistance in the Coming Ice Age ( 05-11-17)
Repairing and Remaking the World:
An Environmental Vision of Justice (05-04-17)
Outrage and Revolt in 1992:
Remembrance and Continuing the Struggle (04-27-17)
Beyond the Evil of Trump:
Living King's Legacy of Steadfast Resistance (04-20-17)
Standing Steadfast With Paul Robeson:
Refusing to Change With the Weather (04-13-17)
Honoring August Wilson:
Holding Hallowed Cultural Ground (04-06-17)
Considering King's Martyrdom and Message:
Losing Illusions and Gaining Truth (03-30-17)
Lifting and Holding Up Heaven:
Women's and Men's Work in the World (03-16-17)
The Oshun Question and Quest:
Uplifting Women, Ourselves and the World (03-09-17)
Black Women's History:
Celebrating Miracles, Wonders and Struggle (03-02-17)
Moral Indifference and Obligations of Memory: Seeking Sanctuary and Support for Everyone (02-23-17)
Malcolm's Lessons of Life and Sacrifice:
An Ethics of Service and Sacrifice (02-16-17)
Righteous Resistance: Uphold the Good, Uplifting the People, Upturning the World (02-09-17)
Concerning History, Heritage and Struggle: Reaffirming and Renewing Our Vanguard Role ( 02-02-17)
Resolving to be African in the World:
Remembrance, Meditation and Recommitment (01-26-17)
Obama's and Trump's Transfer of Power: Lewis and Our Enduring Legacy of Struggle (01-19-17)
Rereading King in Critical Times:
Mapping and Making Our Way Forward (01-12-17)
Remembering, Reclaiming and Resisting:
A Caring Solidarity in Community and Struggle (01-05-17)
Kwanzaa the Nguzo Saba and Our Constant Striving:
Repairing, Renewing and Remaking the World (12-22-16)
Storm-Riding With Thurman:
A Depthful and Disciplined Spirituality (12-15-16)
Symbols And Insights of Kwanzaa:
Deep Meanings and Expansive Messages (12-08-16)
Righteous Reflection On Being African:
A Kwanzaa Meditation (12-01-16)
Rethinking Thanksgiving:
Beyond Big Turkeys and Small Talk (11-24-16)
In Dissent, Defiance and Resistance:
Refusing to Concede to lected Evil 11-17-16
Taking Tuesday in Stride:
Waking Up Wednesday Still in Struggle (11-10-16)
Fulfilling Our Mission:
Leaving a Legacy of Struggle (11-03-16)
Sojourner For A Season:
Truth-Speaker For Life (10-27-16)
Remaking History With Mrs. Hamer:
Raising Questions and Empowering Our People (10-20-16)
Legally Culling and Killing Black People:
Righteously Searching for an Answer and End (10-06-16)
Outrage and Uprising in America:
Resistance is Good, Right and
Righteous and Relentless Struggle:
Reflections on the Principle and Practice (09-22-16)
Rejecting the 'New' Kwanzaa Stamp:
Resisting Redefinition and Reductive Renditions (09-15-16)
Cultural Grounding, Unbudging Blackness and
Steadfastness in Struggle (09-08-16)
Re-Reading and Reflecting on James Baldwin:
Rethinking Race and America (09-01-16)
Halifu, Breaker of the Unjust Law:
Righteous Rebellion and Institution-Building (08-25-16)
Gleaning Marcus Garvey's Lessons In Struggle:
Questioning, Organizing and Liberating Ourselves (08-18-16)
Message From Watts:
Liberation is Coming From A Black Thing (08-11-16)
Contemplating Anna Julia Cooper:
The Undisputed Dignity of Black Womanhood (08-04-16)
Kinds and Colors of Loss and Grief:
Problems of Unity Without Justice PART 2 (07-28-16)
Kinds and Colors of Loss and Grief:
Problems of Unity Without Justice PART 1 (07-21-16)
Remembering Audacious Black Power:
Revisiting the Model and Meaning (07-14-16)
Legacies of Mary M. Bethune:
Knowledge, Sacrifice, Service and Struggle (07-07-16)
Soweto, Simba and African Youth:
Young Lions in Life and Struggle (06-23-16)
Retrieving Insights From Frantz Fanon:
Resisting Systemic and Social Violence (06-16-16)
Muhammad Ali In Context:
Resisting the Erasure and Diminishing of Blackness (06-09-16)
Another Letter For Limbiko:
Spring and Summer Sounds of Happiness (06-02-16)
Defining African Liberation Day:
Celebrating Thru Struggle and Living Practice (05-26-16)
Malcolm, Jihad and Racial Justice:
Reaffirming African Liberation Day (05-19-16)
Black Love:
A Complementary and Species-Compelling Need (05-12-16)
A Rightful Reading of History:
Culture, Consciousness and Struggle (05-05-16)
Grounding and Centering Ourselves:
Chosen to Bring Good in the World (04-28-16)
Realities in Black and Brown:
Critical Concerns and Common Ground (04-21-16)
Conversations With Dr. Carver:
The Languages and Lessons of Nature (04-14-16)
Ancestral Teachings For These Times:
Sacred Wisdom of Strength and Struggle (04-07-16)
Justice, Reaffirmation and Resistance:
Advancing An African American Ethical Agenda (03-31-16)
Linking Ferguson, Flint and Trump:
Mapping America's Racial Rivers and Roadways (03-24-16)
For Love and Struggle:
Beyond the Crash, Hustle and Floss (03-17-16)
Contemplating a Collective Vocation:
Self-Determination, A Moral Imperative (03-10-16)
Celebrating Black Women's History:
Achievements, Strengths and Struggles (03-03-16)
Life Lessons of History:
Our Ancestors of Ancient Egypt (02-25-16)
Standing on Hallowed Ground:
Practicing the Morality of Remembrance (02-18-16)
Walking With Woodson in History:
Seeking Truth, Justice and Transformation (02-11-16)
Still Struggling in Ferguson and Flint:
Holding Out Hope for Hollywood (02-4-16)
Thinking Deep About Blackness:
Stressing the Serious and Sacred (01-28-16)
Trashing the World with Trump:
Mirroring the Monster Side of America (01-21-16)
Frances Cress Welsing, Isis Ascendant:
Teaching Self-Respect, Reasoning and Resistance
Revolution, Repression and Resistance in Haiti:
Lessons of History, Life and Struggle (01-07-16)
Reconceiving Our New Year Resolutions:
Remembering Our Work in the World (12-31-15)
Annual Founder's Kwanzaa Message
Embracing Kwanzaa's Principles and Practice:
Creating and Celebrating the Good
Symbols and Insights of Kwanzaa:
Deep Meanings and Expansive Message (12-17-15)
In this Season of Celebration: A Forest Fire of Struggle (12-10-15)
Thinkin 'Bout Things
That Matter:
Life, Love, Truth, Justice and Struggle (12-03-15)
Rethinking Thanksgiving:
Beyond Turkeys and Small Talk (11-26-15)
Sacred Narrative of Nat Turner:
Engaging the Great Work of Freedom, Part II / (11-19-15)
Reflecting on Racial Justice:
Some Necessary Notes (11-12-15)
The Sacred Narrative of Nat Turner:
Engaging the Great Work of Freedom -- Part I / (11-02-15)
Choosing to Be African:
Struggling and Striving Ever Upward (10-29-15)
Seeking Justice or Else:
A Prediction and Promise of Righteous Struggle (10-22-15)
Essential Teachings of Messenger Muhammad:
A Careful Kawaida Reading (10-15-15)
Marchin' Towards A Movement:
Movin' Toward Liberation and Justice (10-08-15)
Nguzo Saba's and Us' 50th Anniversary:
A Unique and Enduring Achievement (10-01-15)
Cultural Grounding, Unbudging Blackness and
Steadfastness in Struggle (09-24-15)
Recovering Insight From the Quotable Karenga:
Vanguarding with Vincent Harding (09-17-15)
Retrieving the African Ideal:
A Courageous Questioning in These Times (09-10-15)
Us, Reminiscing at Half A Century:
The Architecture of Our Work and Will (09-03-15)
Engaging Garvey, Katrina, Ferguson and Watts:
Embodying the Whirlwind, Flood and Fire (08-27-15)
In Love and Struggle:
Remembrance and Reflections on Liberation (08-20-15)
Remembering the Watts Revolt:
A Shared Condition, Consciousness and Commitment (08-13-15)
Kawaida and the Current Crisis:
A Philosophy of Life, Love and Struggle, Part II (08-06-15)
Kawaida and the Current Crisis:
A Philosophy of Life, Love and Struggle Part I (07-30-15)
Towards a Strategy for Struggle:
Remembrance and Reflections on Liberation (07-23-15)
Taking Down Flags and Tearing Down Walls:
Some Seriously Needed Distinctions (07-16-15)
Remembrance and Reflections on Liberation:
Overturning Ourselves and Our Oppression (07-09-15)
Celebrating the 4th of July After Charleston:
Dealing with Frederick Douglass' Concerns (07-02-15)
Reframing Conversations on Charleston:
An Ethics of Righteous Anger and Resistance (06-24-15)
Remembering And Honoring Our Father:
His Spirit, Mind, Speech and Specialness (06-18-15)
A Letter and Libation for Limbiko:
Gentle Sunlight Warming the World (06-11-15)
The Nguzo Saba, Us and Kawaida:
Grounding and Centering Ourselves (06-04-15)
African Liberation Day:
Honoring a History and Culture of Struggle (05-28-15)
Malcolm's Message on Resistance:
Reflections on Baltimore, Ferguson and Elsewhere (05-21-15)
Baltimore is Still Burning:
And Let's Not Forget Ferguson (05-14-15)
Knowing and Honoring Nathan Hare:
Thinking and Thundering Black, Part II (05-07-15)
Knowing and Honoring Nathan Hare:
Thinking and Thundering Black--Part 1 (04-30-15)
The Four Good Deeds of Ra:
Maatian Moral Notions of Human Rights (04-23-15)
Beyond Species Arrogance:
Living Lightly and Humbly on the Earth (04-16-15)
The Ideal and Ethics of Ubuntu:
A Kawaida Conversation (04-09-15)
Considering King's Martyrdom and Message:
Losing Illusions and Gaining Truth (04-02-15)
Meditating on Woman in the World:
Sacred Sources from Ancient Africa (03-26-15)
Post-Racial Rough Riding at OU:
Millennial Myths and American Reality (03-19-15)
Against Airbrushing History at Selma Bridge:
Reaffirming Black Identity and Dignity (03-12-15)
Mr. Charlie, Miss Ann and Uncle Oscar:
White Folks' Big Night Out (3-05-15)
Building Unity, Seeking Justice:
The March, Movement and Struggle (02-26-15)
Malcolm and the Ethics of Martyrdom:
Witness, Service, Struggle and Sacrifice (02-19-15)
HIV/AIDS, A Family Affair:
Being Sources of Service, Support and Sanctuary (02-12-15)
Sustaining Ferguson and Moving Forward:
The Anatomy and Obligation of Resistance -- Part II (02-05-15)
Sustaining Ferguson and Moving Forward:
The Anatomy and Obligation of Resistance -- Part I (01-29-15)
Rebuilding a Culture of Struggle:
Breaking Chains Instead of Hugging Them (01-22-15)
Reclaiming King:
Matters of Race, Reflection and Resistance (01-15-15)
Haiti and Africa Inside Us:
The Sacrifice, Grandeur and Struggle (01-08-15)
Resolutions in Times of Resistance:
Building, Working and Waging Struggle (01-01-15)
Annual Founder's Kwanzaa Message
Practicing the Culture of Kwanzaa: Living the Seven Principles (12-25-14)
The Moral Vocation of Leadership:
Dedication, Discipline, Sacrifice and Service (12-18-14)
In this Season of Celebration: A Forest Fire of Struggle (12-11-14)
Ferguson: Holding Ground, Expanding Gains,
Pushing Our Lives and Battlelines Forward (12-04-14)
Rethinking Thanksgiving: Beyond Big Turkeys and Small Talk (11-27-14)
Midterm Tea Without Sympathy: Shifting Places in Race-Based Seats (11-20-14)
For Love and Struggle: Striving for the Greater Good (11-13-14)
Sustaining and Supporting Ferguson:
Building a Culture and Community of Struggle (11-06-14)
Sojourner For A Season: Truth-Speaker For Life (10-30-14)
Remaking History With Mrs. Hamer: Raising Questions, Empowering Our People (10-23-14)Remembering the Million Man March: Reflections on Memory and Mission (10-16-14)
Kawaida, Cultural Nationalism and Struggle:
Setting the Revolutionary Record Straight --PART II (10-09-14)
Kawaida, Cultural Nationalism and Struggle:
Setting the Revolutionary Record Straight PART I (10-02-14)
Thinking Deep About Blackness: Stressing the Serious and Sacred (09-25-14)
Righteous and Relentless Struggle:
Reflections on the Principle and Practice (09-18-14)
In Remembrance and Reaffirmation:
Harnessing Hurricanes and Whirlwinds of Righteous Anger (09-11-14)
Us: A 49-Year Struggle, To Be Ourselves and Free Ourselves 09-04-14
Garvey's Letters from Atlanta:
Rebuilding and Becoming the Whirlwind and Storm (08-28-14)
On the Battlefield in Ferguson:
Remembering History, Resisting Occupation (08-21-14)
Solidarity with the People of Palestine:
King's Call to Conscience Part II (08-14-14)
Solidarity With the People of Palestine:
King's Call to Conscience Part I (08-07-14)
The Liberation Psychology of Frantz Fanon:
Struggle as Normative and Necessary (07-31-14)
Ida B. Wells: Troubling and Transforming the Waters (07-24-14)
Defending Marlene Pinnock and Ourselves:
Issues of Justice, Agenda and Struggle (07-17-14)
Bethune, Democracy and the 4th:
Courageous Questioning and Constant Struggle (07-10-14)
Frederick Douglass and the 4th of July:
Searching for Affirmative Answers (07-03-14)
Kwame Ture in Remembrance and Reflection:
Pan-Africanism, Revolution and Culture (06-26-14)
Campaigning with Dr. McKenna: Forging A Future For Our Children, Part 2 (06-19-14)Campaigning With Dr. McKenna: Forging A Future For Our Children Part I (06-12-14)
Claiming the Sky with Maya: Breaking Out of Cages and Rising (06-05-14)
Celebrating African Liberation Day:
Empowering the People; Strengthening the Struggle (05-29-14)
Message From Malcolm: Anchoring Insights in Unsettling Times (05-23-14)
Lunch with Limbiko: A Mother's Day Message (05-15-14)
Additional Necessary Notes on Racism: Take Aways Without Being Taken (05-08-14)
Superficial Anger At Racism: Condemning Language, Overlooking Oppression (05-01-14)
Reconsidering Racial Justice: Some Necessary Notes (04-21-14)
Black Men and Women Rising: Resurrection After Intended Social Death (04-17-14)
Becoming Our Black Selves Again: Righteously Being and Freeing Ourselves (04-10-14)
King and the Psychology of Freedom: Self-Respect, Resistance and Resilience (04-03-14)
Black Love: A Complementary and Species-Compelling Need (03-27-14)
Sustainers of the World: A Classical African Conception of Womanhood (03-20-14)
For Chokwe, Ourselves and History: Creating Free and Special Spaces (03-13-14)
Celebrating Black Women's History: Achievements, Strengths and Struggles (03-06-14)
Malcolm X and the Morality of Sacrifice: Remembrance and Reaffirmation (02-27-14)
Retrieving and Rereading Douglass: Leadership Born of Earnest Struggle (02-20-14)
Black History: Its Meaning, Message & Forward Motion (02-13-14)
Walking With Woodson in History: Seeking Truth, Justice and Transformation (02-06-14)
Mission and Meaning of Being African: Forging a Future of Shared Good (01-30-14)
Re-Reading King: Correcting Revision & Reductive Interpretations of His Dream (01-23-14)
Malcolm's Victims of Democracy: Children and Education on the Altar (01-16-14)
Baba Nana John Watusi Branch: A Model and Message for Us (01-09-14)
Notes for the New Year: Ancient African Ethical Teachings (01-02-14)